D of E Enrolment
To enrol for the Duke of Edinburgh Award, you must pay the enrolment fee by selecting the correct level and by clicking on the PayPal button below.
You can pay by debit or credit card (you do NOT have to have a PayPal account).
You must be the correct age to enrol at each level.
Bronze: Have started Explorers/Network
Silver: In year 10 at school or older
Gold: Age 16 or older
Before enrolling you must seek the approval from your Leader to participate in the DofE programme.
For assistance in completing the registration process, please contact your Explorer/Network Leader in the first instance.
Once you have paid, after making payment ensure you click on return to merchandiser and you will be taken to a form that MUST be completed immediately after payment for enrolment. If the enrolment form is not completed, your enrolment will not be completed and you are at risk of losing your payment. In case of any problems please contact the County Office.
By submitting the form you agree that your details are kept by the County for the purpose of administrating the Duke of Edinburgh scheme (and nothing else) and you agree for your details to passed on to the Duke of Edinburgh scheme in order to be enrolled in the scheme.