Running your own D of E Expedition
There are several rules and steps to follow to run your own DofE Expedition. You need to meet the DofE Award’s requirements as well as following Scouting rules and procedures.
Key things to note:
- ‘The County/Area DofE Adviser needs to be notified of all DofE expeditions in addition to the normal Scouting notification processes for these activities’.
For Staffordshire this must be done using this form.
- The County DofE team will check that the expedition meets the requirements of the Award and advise on any changes required. They will copy the District Commissioner into all replies.
- ‘The District Commissioner is responsible for approving all activities for Squirrels, Beavers, Cubs, Scouts, Explorers and Scout Network’ (POR 9.1.2).
It is the responsibility of the supervisor to ensure approval is gained.
- All expeditions must have a supervisor is legally responsible for the safety of all participants (including Network).
All guidance is available at and the following are links to useful pages linked to running a DofE expedition.
Things to consider when running an expedition
Expedition requirements (previously 20 conditions)
Please email with any queries.