I am very pleased to announce some new appointments to the County team:
Emma Ball – ACC (Cub Scouts). Emma is a Cub leader in Potteries North, and is our current NYR (Nominated Youth Representative). Emma has been instrumental with the County Youth Team since its inception and will be working with Jen Lloyd with the Cub section across the County (Jen and Emma will work together, both as ACC (Cub Scouts)). Emma is a Queens Scout.
Tom Beard – County Scouter (Scouts). Tom is a Scout leader in Cannock and is part of our County Jamboree Unit leadership team taking 36 young people to Japan in 2015. Tom has a range of experiences within Scouting including been involved with Scouts and Explorers in Nottingham where he has been at University.
Chris Eyton-Jones – ACC (Explorer Scouts). Chris is a Network leader for Newcastle and Keele Networks as well as working with Explorers and Cubs in Newcastle. Chris is a Queens Scout, and is currently working on the new Scouts of the World award.
Rob Gilbert – ACC (Youth Involvement). As well as being our NYR from the next County AGM Rob is taking on this new role. Rob has worked with Scouts in Tamworth and is also taking on reopening a troop in September. Rob has been part of the County Youth team and will be leading them going forward. As per HQ’s vision for 2018 we would like more young people involved in decision making around the County and Rob is going to support leaders to achieve this. follow him on Twitter: @StaffsScoutsYI
I am looking forward to working with them all and believe they will help our County team become more proactive in helping support all sections across Staffordshire.
Paul Creaser
Deputy County Commissioner