Almost 1000 Cubs from across Staffordshire
assumed their alter-egos last weekend! Beaudesert Scout and Guide Camp, Cannock Chase, became overrun with a variety of superheroes from 3rd-5th July. The Cub Scout Superheroes were joined by the ‘Shield Headquarters Protectors’ of almost 400 support staff, young leaders and adult leaders.
From every direction there were Supermen, Spidermen, Batmen, Wonder-women, Spidergirls and even a Lego Scout Leader! An impressive sight especially when hundreds of Superheroes zoomed into one big conga line at the disco!
A positive atmosphere was abundant and the County Team were proud to host the camp to Cubs and Leaders from every District in the County.
From a fire juggler entertainer at the opening ceremony to the closing ceremony, the weekend was action packed. There was an infinite list of activities to ensure the Superheroes completed their training!
Cubs found themselves at a range of adventurous and skilled based activities. From Spiderman’s Climbing Wall, Kingpin’s Crate Stacking, Batmobile’s Driving Academy (go-karts), to X-Men’s Danger Room playing laser tag, Mole Man’s Caving and to Aquaman’s Ocean Training (bell-boating and kayaking).
Traditional aspects of the Scouting Movement were also incorporated. The highlight for many was the campfire, over 1000 people joined together to sing songs old and new in the campfire hollow. A heart-warming moment. A contemporary Scouts’ Own and backwoods cooking also kept the Scouting skills and tradition visible.
Staffordshire Scouts Youth Team also played a big role in making nearly 1500 milkshakes at the Camp’s Milkshake Bar. It was a big hit! It allowed the Youth Team to talk to the young people about youth involvement to allow the practice of Staffordshire Scouts to move forward to become more youth led. As well as cooling down with a variety of milkshakes.
The weekend was a huge success and everyone is looking forward to the next Staffordshire Cub Adventure of a night safari and sleepover at Chester Zoo, to celebrate the centenary of Cub Scouts in 2016.
Assistant County Commissioners (Cub Scouts), Jen and Emma, enjoying the milkshakes.
Emma Ball ACC Cubs