On 25th September Tamworth District held its bi-monthly District Scouts Forum. 6 Patrol Leaders from troops around the district came together to discuss issues including ways of changing and improving current district events to how we can improve the recruitment of new leaders. These forums, that have been held since July 2015, have proved a brilliant way in getting feedback on different activities that the young people have taken part in. Already looking forward to the next forum meeting.
Also last Sunday 9th October we held a Youth Team, Team Building Day at Beaudesert Campsite. The aim was to bring young people that have an interest in shaping scouting together and start to build the team. One of the Explorers said ‘It was a brilliant day. We got to talk about how we wanted the team to be ran and what we actually wanted the team to do. There were lots of great activities throughout the day as well. The best part of the day was having a go at the Via Ferratta around the quarry. I can’t wait to meet with the team again and help shape scouting in Tamworth.’
Nathan Cross – Tamworth District Youth Commissioner