Following a formal search within Staffordshire County, there were a number of nominations from which the search committee short-listed candidates who were invited to interview. Following interviews, it has been decided that no appointment will be made at this time and we are relaunching the CC search and welcome nominations from interested parties.
Staffordshire Scouts are looking for a volunteer with management experience who wants to do more in their community. Key attributes needed include good interpersonal skills and the ability to motivate and inspire others.
Do you have management and leadership experience, excellent inter-personal skills and the ability to motivate and inspire others?
The successful candidate will be responsible for taking Staffordshire forward into the future as a growing organisation relevant to young people and adults alike. Our current youth membership in the County is over 8,388. These young people are supported by 2,871 adults.
How to apply
The application pack below provides more information about Scouting in Staffordshire and the County Commissioner role. Previous applicants are welcome to make a further self-nomination. The nomination form can also be found at the rear of the information pack or by following this link HERE to a google form. Please complete and return the nomination form online or the electronic form to Sam Booth .
Further information:
For more information or an informal conversation about the role please contact Sam Booth at 07983 581 485 or the Regional Commissioner Dan Potter at
CC Vacancy Pack Staffordshire 2017
The closing date for nomination forms being received is 4th September 2017