I’m so pleased to be starting our adult leader recruitment for the 2023 25th World Scout Jamboree in Korea for our Staffordshire Unit! We are looking for 1 Unit leader, 1 Deputy Unit Leader and 2 Assistant Unit leaders, to make up a fantastic team to lead our young people (who will be selected later in the year). Please see attached role profiles for all these roles, and really encourage you to get in touch if you want to chat about!
Organising, coordinating and being responsible for 36 young people, helping them grow and develop and get the most out of the experience isn’t easy but it is hugely rewarding.
There is a recruitment letter and application form is below. The application process is outlined, but if you have any questions let us know.
There will be other adult roles available for the World Scout Jamboree, including International Service team, and we are happy to discuss the options that will be available.
Yours in Scouting,
Paul Creaser
Deputy County Commissioner
01 – 25thWSJ – Recruitment letter and form
02 – 25thWSJ – Unit Leader role profile