It’s time to roar! 

The 25th World Scout Jamboree is in Korea in 2023, and we are now starting the process of finding 36 Young People to be part of our Staffordshire Jamboree Unit.

Please find below documents to pass on to young people in your sections who were born between 22th July 2005 and 29th July 2009.  We want to make this the most inclusive Jamboree Unit ever and really need your help to spread the word and encourage young people to apply.  The selection process isn’t scary and from previous experience young people will learn skills for life throughout the process even if they aren’t selected, from filling the form in to meeting others from around the County and finding out more about Scouting in Staffordshire as well as around the World if they are invited to our selection weekend.

There is a flyer, a summary of the Jamboree, selection information and an application form.  There is also a reference form for leaders to fill in for their young people for us to get a different insight into those applying.

Hopefully all the information makes sense but if you have any queries please don’t hesitate to get in touch.  We are running some online road shows for any young people (dates in the Selection Information document) and/or their parents/guardians (and leaders who want to find out more) to join for previous participants to talk about their experiences and for us to answer any queries about the experience or the selection process.  We are also happy to come out to Explorer Units/Scout Groups to go through this face to face.  Please do get in touch!


00 – Postcard Flyer

01 – Applicant – Summary

02 – 25-WSJ-YP-application-form-final

03 – Staffordshire-wsj25-yp-selection-information

04 – 24-WSJ-YP-reference-form-final 

We want young people to come together as a County Unit to be part of the UK Contingent who are going to Think Big, Dream Wild and Act Together.

Yours in Scouting,

Paul Creaser

Deputy County Commissioner

Please note, all documents will be available here